
PM & Vänner

"What makes our offering unique is that we have been consistently faithful to our concept, which is based on the cornerstones of the forest, meadow and lake. We have never copied anyone else or fallen for temporary trends but have rather built our brand on our own history. But standing by our original concept does not mean that we are standing still. We are constantly developing our offering in creative ways, which is an absolute must to remain attractive to our guests, many of whom repeatedly return."

"From the very beginning it was clear to us that we wanted the materials and design of our furnishings to feel timeless and of a strong branding nature. We didn't want to feel we needed to replace everything after a few years. So that's why we chose to go with high quality furniture and interior decorations throughout. And we know now that we made a good decision, as it all still feels up to date and fresh." "Where possible, we have chosen to collaborate with companies in the region. We find Småland inspiring, not only from a culinary perspective. There are also so many good manufacturers and suppliers. Those of us who operate in this area all have one thing in common; our heritage influences our way of thinking and of doing business. It's about utilising what is available and creating something you can stand for and feel proud of based on those conditions. Environmental thinking and sustainability are nothing new to us. In Småland, we have always had to take people and the environment into consideration when doing anything. Just simply taking care of what we have.

"We have no intention of growing in terms of number of rooms. We feel that the 74 rooms we have are just the right amount for those who visit us for business and pleasure. We would rather develop our basic concept in creative ways that will surprise our guests. "Stolab has delivered Hundranian and Miss Holly chairs to the restaurant, conference centre, hotel rooms and suites. / Martin Rognefall, part-owner and head of marketing PM & Vänner